Monday 12 October 2015


Not long ago Caitlyn Jenner was given an award for having courage to be who she is right now and many people were offended by that. Articles were written, posts were posted and videos were made about people deserved that award more than she did. Honestly speaking, I don't really know whether she deserved that award, but I do know that she had the courage to go through what she did. You don't know how Caitlyn was feeling all those years. You didn't see the pain behind closed doors. You don't know what was going on in her mind. Some people weren't as accepting because they don't understand, offended by what people called the face of courage. You see, it takes courage to not only tell the world who you really are but to also break free from that.

So what is courage really all about?
A lot of people seem to have different opinions on what courage is. You are in fact entitled to your opinion. According to the dictionary, it means the ability to do something that frightens one. It is the strength in the face of pain or grief. 

To me, courage is the ability to do something when not many approves. Courage is taking that leap of faith when you are hoping for the best. Courage is getting back up when you have fallen so many times. Courage doesn't need to be a giant gesture. Sometimes it's the little things that needs the most courage. It should also not be taken lightly because it may take time. For some people, it may be easier. To some, it may be the hardest thing to have. To have courage to do something that you believe in. Like that dream job you wanted but afraid to apply, that girl/boy you wanted to ask out on a date, or that last slice of pizza everyone is eyeing on. Courage is about making that step. It doesn't matter what people think whether you were brave or not because what matters is you taking that step. That step to achieve what is best for you.

Over the years, a few people have told me that I have courage. The fact that I moved to another state when I went to college technically all by myself , have gone to many places on my own, put myself in dangerous situations etc. To me really, I just need to do them because sometimes you are going to
be in situations where it pushes one to have courage to do something. Without courage of some sort, a lot of things in life wouldn't happen. We would all be sitting in the dark all crawled up. Thing is, we just gotta try. Try to have a little courage and you would see that things would be different. 

The key is to find a support system. Family, friends, or that random stranger you see sitting across the room. Tell people your struggles. We all have them but we aren't alone is this world to go through it together. Or you can find a quote or a role model. That works too.

So, is there certain things in life you need to have courage for? Proposing to someone, setting out a new business venture, traveling by yourself? Whatever it is, as long it's not a criminal offense, I support you wherever you are. 

Here's to you for finding your courage!
and thank you for reading my jibber jabber. 

Have a nice day! :)

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