Friday 15 January 2016

At some point I was royalty.

So I had this dream.
It's weird. I promise you it's weird and stupid, but then again, all my dreams don't make sense most of the time.
It started me and a bunch of other people(which I came to learn that they are the same people from "my land") being held hostage. I only found out a bit later that the setting was set in medieval time. It was weird because some part of it felt like modern times as well. 
Ok, so me and this bunch of people were tied up and sitting in one line at the wall when this guy next to me started fidgeting and getting a bit crazy. Then this girl next to me pass me a bottle of pills. Somehow I took out one pill and pass the whole bottle to the guy. He continued on fidgeting shaking his head and all. So much so that one of the kidnapper noticed the bottle and took it from him to which I pass him that one pill that I took out. Then the girl (somehow when I see this girl I see Emma Roberts) next to me informed me that she has requested for a rescue mission. Somehow within those few minutes we were able to break free. So me and the others broke free and went charging to fight the kidnappers(suddenly there were swords available to us). Apparently at this point of time Emma-Roberts-look-alike and I became good friends and she informed us that help is on the way. So we were running and charging and we came to this foyer with huge arches for a gates. I saw this man dressed in a blue glittery robe with those gold crown thing like Caesar's floating right at the gates at the side and as we were running towards the gates he was declaring something like "Only those that possesses the letter P shall pass". Now in my head my name starts with K and there is no way I'm gonna pass(but apparently having the letter P means you posses a certain characteristics of someone true to their calling that comes with courage and what not yada yada I'm not completely sure). So I turned back and fight the other people charging towards my "gang" and Emma pulled me towards the gates and immediately we enter another world. It was the same location but we entered like this zone where only the one with permission to enter can be in it. In this case it was the zone filled with those blue glittery people. It was like a safe haven. And so we were walking up this stairs and somehow our clothes were changed into those blue glittery robes. There was only eleven of us(the rescued) who made it out and we walked two by two to the main gates of this safe haven except for me. I was walking out of the main line and suddenly this guy(I presume is one of the main officers) greeted me and asked if I was the leader of the group. I said no and he pointed at my head. Apparently I was wearing something else the others wasn't and that was a gold crown shaped like antlers. Emma smiled at me and nod ensuring that I was their leader. Apparently a crown like that will appear on a true leader on this safe haven. So that was it, I woke up. We were the only people left from our land and we worked with those Safe Haven people to claim back our kingdom from the bad guys(some other kingdom that their soldiers dress in black and red armors) which some were are kidnappers.
That was Part 1.
Trust me when I say Part 2 is very short. 

So this somehow magically continued.
On our journey to reclaim back our kingdom, we didn't know which kingdom we could trust and so we attacked this "white armored" kingdom(imagine the white queen from Alice in Wonderland). The scene starts with me and two other dudes going around the castle spying and what not. We got discovered and we went to hide. Being trapped in a room, we tried to escape through the window. When I tried, we got caught, the two guys with me got killed and I killed the one who killed them. Being a chicken, I ran, I ran to this carriage and left the place. I just remembered that I was so upset with myself as I left my men there together with Emma-look-alike as hostage there. 

Then I woke up. Told you it was short.

Told you it was weird and stupid. but thanks for reading whatever I remembered from my dreams. 
I tried continuing it by the way, my kingdom became great allies with the white armored kingdom in the end.

Have a nice day! :)

Saturday 2 January 2016

New Year and a quick recap of 2015

Happy New Year! 
I cannot believe is 2016 already. Time does past by so fast.

2015 has been a rough year as I have lost a few loved ones and gone through different problems such as personal issues and work. Regardless, I had a good year too. I have learn a lot in this one year being in different situation, I have been given a few opportunities and I had a few experiences. I also had the opportunity to work with some amazing bunch of people with amazing talents whom I have gotten close to and I am so happy to have them in my life. They just made life worth the living.
If I would to sum it up, I would say that 2015 was the year I had balls. What I mean is courage. I have done a few things that I was afraid of doing in the past. Although some situations I was push to make a move but in the beginning of 2015 I told myself that I need to change. I need to start doing things. I need to do it for me. I need to push myself. I cannot expect things to happen on its own or drop from the skies. I think I still have a lot to work on but I made a whole lot of progress than I did two years back. I can finally say and mean it when I say I am one step closer to my dreams.

It is only Day 2 of 2016 but I can tell that it is going to be a great year. I am really looking forward to the rest of 2016.

What I plan for 2016.
Growing my relationship with God and actually doing it.
Growing my relationship with loved ones.
Growing my business.
And my health and fitness.

How was 2015 for you? What do you plan to do in 2016 that you did not get to do last year?

I wish you all the best in your journey. I pray that this year would be an even better year for you. 

 Once again, Happy New Year!

*yes I drew that* 

 Thanks for reading and Have A Nice Day! :)